Off Policy and DQN Parameter Optimization #
1 Reinforcement Deep Q-Network Architecture #
DQN (Deep Q-Network) stands as a RL algorithm rooted in deep learning principles. It integrates a Q-Learning algorithm with a deep neural network to address RL challenges in expansive state and action spaces. In the DQN algorithm, a neural network is employed to approximate the Q function, where states and actions serve as inputs, yielding corresponding Q values as outputs. Essentially, the DQN algorithm can be broken down into the following steps:
- Initialization: Initialize a neural network with random weights θ to approximate the Q function Q(s,a,θ).
- Experience Replay: Maintain a replay memory buffer \(\mathcal{D}\) to store experiences \(e_t = (s_t, a_t, r_t, s_{t+1})\) consisting of state-action pairs at state t, rewards, and subsequent states encountered during interactions with the environment.
- Action Selection: Utilize an epsilon-greedy policy to select actions based on the current state, balancing between exploration and exploitation.
- Training: Periodically sample batches of experiences from the replay memory buffer to update the neural network’s parameters. The loss function used for training is typically derived from the Bellman equation, aiming to minimize the discrepancy between the predicted Q values and the target Q values.
- Repeat: Iterate step 3 and 4 until convergence, continually updating the neural network to better approximate the Q function.
Overall, the DQN algorithm leverages deep learning techniques to efficiently handle RL problems characterized by large state and action spaces, enabling effective learning and decision-making in complex environments.
1.1. LinearQNet and QTrainer Classes #
The LinearQNet class represents a simple neural network architecture tailored for Q-value approximation in RL. It consists of two linear layers initialized during instantiation, with the first layer transforming input features to a hidden layer and the second layer producing Q-values for different actions. Additionally, it sets up other optional components, such as dropout regularization or weight initialization techniques, aiming to enhance the network’s learning process and generalization ability.
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
self.linear2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2) # Example: Adding dropout with p=0.2
# Initialize weights using Xavier initialization
The forward method defines the forward pass, applying a rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation to the hidden layer’s output before generating the Q-values. Additionally, the save method facilitates saving the model’s state dictionary self.state_dict()
to a specified file path using PyTorch’s
functionality, ensuring the preservation of trained model parameters.
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu(self.linear1(x))
x = self.dropout(x) # Applying dropout
x = self.linear2(x)
return x
def save(self, file_name='model.pth'):
model_folder_path = './model'
if not os.path.exists(model_folder_path):
file_name = os.path.join(model_folder_path, file_name), file_name)
Meanwhile, the QTrainer class manages the training process for the Q-network. Its initialization configures key parameters like learning rate and discount factor, along with setting up an Adam optimizer to update the model’s parameters based on the provided learning rate.
class QTrainer:
def __init__(self, model, lr, gamma, target_update_freq=1000): = lr
self.gamma = gamma
self.model = model
self.optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
self.criterion = nn.MSELoss()
This can integrated in the train_step function which orchestrates the neural network training process by executing a single iteration of Q-learning updates. It receives an experience tuple containing information about a state, action, received reward, the resulting next state, and an indicator of whether the episode has ended. The function begins by converting these components into PyTorch
tensors to facilitate computation within the neural network. Using the provided state, the neural network predicts Q-values for different actions, storing these predictions as pred
. Now, we should take a look at how a new Q-value for a state-action pair based on the previous Q-value and the received reward, plus the discounted maximum Q-value achievable in the resulting state is computed. The process for the agent to adjust Q-values iteratively, gradually converging towards optimal action-selection strategies by learning from experiences obtained while interacting with the environment can be seen below for the Q-learning update rule.
Q(s,a) represents the Q-value, indicating the expected cumulative reward by taking action a
in state s
. It quantifies the agent’s understanding of the long-term desirability of choosing action a
while in state s
. The evaluation on whether to overwrite old information during upcoming Q-updates is given by the variable \(\alpha\)
. Higher learning rate (
) gives more weight to recent experiences, influencing how much the Q-value changes based on the new piece of information. The agent gets an immediate reward r
gained for the action after executing action a
at this current state s
. This immediate feedback guides the agent’s learning, impacting the adjustment of Q-values based on the obtained rewards in each state-action pair. Moreover, the significance of future rewards compared to current rewards is given by \(\gamma\)
. Naturally higher discount factor \(\gamma\)
prioritizes long-term rewards more. Lastly, Q(s’,a’) indicates the maximum Q-value achievable in the subsequent state s'
when taking an action a'
. It influences agent’s decision-making by taking into account potential future rewards based on the best action available from the next state, guiding him to more rewarding states.
Employing the Q-learning update rule, the function computes target Q-values based on the predicted values, updating them according to the received rewards and the next state’s Q-values if the episode hasn’t terminated. Subsequently, it calculates the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss between the predicted and target Q-values and performs backpropagation to derive gradients for updating the neural network’s parameters. Finally, the optimizer applies these gradients to adjust the model’s weights through optimization, enhancing the network’s ability to approximate accurate Q-values for efficient decision-making in RL scenarios.
def train_step(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
state = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float)
next_state = torch.tensor(next_state, dtype=torch.float)
action = torch.tensor(action, dtype=torch.long)
reward = torch.tensor(reward, dtype=torch.float)
pred = self.model(state)
target = pred.clone()
# Q-learning update rule
# Handling single-dimensional state and action tensors
if state.dim() == 1: # (1,x)
state = state.unsqueeze(0)
next_state = next_state.unsqueeze(0)
action = action.unsqueeze(0)
reward = reward.unsqueeze(0)
done = (done,)
# Predicting Q-values based on current state-action pair
pred = self.model(state)
# Clone the prediction for updating
target = pred.clone()
for idx in range(len(done)):
Q_new = reward[idx]
if not done[idx]:
Q_new = reward[idx] + self.gamma * torch.max(self.model(next_state[idx]))
action_idx = torch.argmax(action[idx]).item()
target[idx][action_idx] = Q_new
# Zero the gradients, compute loss, backpropagate, and update weights
loss = self.criterion(target, pred)
Together, these classes form the backbone of a Q-learning approach, where the LinearQNet acts as the neural network to estimate Q-values and the QTrainer orchestrates the training process by updating the network’s parameters to improve Q-value predictions.
- Experiment with deeper networks, different activation functions (Sigmoid, i.e), regularization L2/ Dropout to prevent overfitting (getting stuck) and use different optimizers (RMSprop or SGD) for
.- It is possible to implement different loss functions or Double Q-learning to mitigate bias impact using separate networks to update Q-values.
- Explore how to improve learning efficiency of the agent.
1.2. Deploying a Reinforcement Learning Agent #
Let us start by applying the constructor method (init) of a class. This is where several fundamental attributes and objects are initialized for a RL agent.
def __init__(self):
self.n_games = 0 # Number of games played
self.epsilon = 0 # Parameter for exploration-exploitation trade-off
self.gamma = 0.9 # Discount factor for future rewards
self.memory = deque(maxlen=MAX_MEMORY) # Replay memory for storing experiences
# QTrainer for model training
self.trainer = QTrainer(self.model, lr=ALPHA, gamma=self.gamma)
tracks the number of games the agent has played. self.epsilon
represents a parameter essential for the exploration-exploitation trade-off, influencing the agent’s decision-making process. The self.gamma
variable signifies the discount factor applied to future rewards, impacting the agent’s prioritization of immediate versus delayed rewards. The deque
named self.memory
, constrained by MAX_MEMORY
, functions as a replay memory, storing previous experiences crucial for the agent’s learning process. Additionally, the self.trainer
, instantiated as QTrainer
, facilitates model training using the self.model
, employing the provided learning rate (ALPHA
) and discount factor (gamma
) within the QTrainer
# Neural network model (input size, hidden layer no. neurons, output size)
self.model = LinearQNet(11, 256, 3)
self.target_model = LinearQNet(11, 256, 3)
The self.model
is a neural network structure defined as LinearQNet(11, 256, 3)
indicates specific architectural details tailored for a RL task. The choice of these parameters signifies the design of the neural network for this particular problem domain.
The ‘11’ in the network signifies the input size, representing the number of features or variables characterizing the environment’s state, which encompass details directions: vertical and horizontal distance, dangers based on moving forward, left or right and snake and food locations. The ‘256’ hidden units denote the number of neurons in the hidden layer. This specific number, 256, is a heuristic or empirical choice commonly used across different domains: ranging from generative Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures such as AlexNet or VGG to Natural Language Processing (NLPs) Recurrent Neural Network (RNNs) architectures. It provides a moderately sized layer that offers sufficient capacity for learning complex representations from the input data without overly increasing computational costs. Additionally, being a power of two, it aligns well with computational optimizations and hardware implementations, making it computationally efficient for many systems. Lastly, the ‘3’ as the output size corresponds to the number of actions the agent can undertake in the environment. In this case, having three outputs suggests that the agent has three distinct possible actions it can choose from in response to a given state in the environment. For instance, these actions represent movements such as “left”, “right” and “forward” seen previously in the development of
def get_state(self, game):
# Extracting snake's head position and defining points in different directions
head = game.snake[0]
point_l = Point(head.x - 20, head.y)
point_r = Point(head.x + 20, head.y)
point_u = Point(head.x, head.y - 20)
point_d = Point(head.x, head.y + 20)
# Determining the snake's current direction
dir_l = game.direction == Direction.LEFT
dir_r = game.direction == Direction.RIGHT
dir_u = game.direction == Direction.UP
dir_d = game.direction == Direction.DOWN
# Checking for potential dangers in different directions
danger_straight = (dir_r and game.is_collision(point_r)) or \
(dir_l and game.is_collision(point_l)) or \
(dir_u and game.is_collision(point_u)) or \
(dir_d and game.is_collision(point_d))
# Indicating the snake's movement direction
move_direction = [int(dir_l), int(dir_r), int(dir_u), int(dir_d)]
# Determining food's relative position compared to the snake's head
food_position = [ < game.head.x, # food left > game.head.x, # food right < game.head.y, # food up > game.head.y # food down
# Constructing the state representation
state = [
int(danger_straight), # Danger straight
int(dir_r), int(dir_l), int(dir_u), int(dir_d), # Move direction
] + food_position # Food location
return np.array(state, dtype=int)
The get_state
function within the code constructs a comprehensive representation of the game state in the Snake environment. It begins by extracting vital information such as the snake’s head position and defining points in multiple directions to detect potential dangers, which include positions 20 units away in various directions. The function then derives the snake’s current direction by comparing it with predefined directional indicators (left, right, up, down) based on the game’s orientation. It proceeds to assess the presence of potential dangers in the straight, right, and left directions by checking for collisions with specific points relative to the snake’s current orientation. Furthermore, binary flags are employed to indicate the snake’s movement direction, while the relative position of the food compared to the snake’s head (left, right, up, down) is determined. Finally, all these features are flushed into an array that serves as a numeric representation of the game state.
def get_action(self, state):
# Select actions based on an epsilon-greedy strategy
self.epsilon = 80 - self.n_games
final_move = [0,0,0]
if random.randint(0, 200) < self.epsilon:
move = random.randint(0, 2)
final_move[move] = 1
state0 = torch.tensor(state, dtype=torch.float)
prediction = self.model(state0)
move = torch.argmax(prediction).item()
final_move[move] = 1
return final_move
The get_action
method operates as the decision-maker, employing an epsilon-greedy strategy to balance exploration and exploitation. This strategy dynamically adjusts the agent’s behaviour by modifying the exploration rate (epsilon
) based on the number of games played (n_games
). If a randomnly generated value falls below the epsilon threshold, indicating exploration, the agent randomly selects an action from the available choices (move left, right, or straight). Conversely, in the exploitation phase, when the generated value surpasses the epsilon threshold, the agent exploits its learned knowledge. It leverages its neural network model (self.model
) to predict Q-values for each potential action given the current state, selecting the action with the highest predicted Q-value. The resulting one-hot encoded representation (final_move
) denotes the chosen action, guiding the agent’s movement and decision-making process within the game.
1.3. Max Replay Buffer and Target Network #
In RL, a replay buffer serves as a memory repository, capturing and retaining past experiences encountered by an agent during its interactions with an environment. This data structure enables the agent to reutilize and learn from diverse historical interactions by storing state-action-reward-next_state tuples. By decoupling the immediate use of experiences and instead sampling randomnly from this stored memory during training, the replay buffer breaks the temporal correlation between consecutive experiences, leading to more stable and efficient learning. Meanwhile, a target network, often employed in algorithms like Deep-Q-Networks (DQN), functions as a stabilized reference for target Q-values during training. This secondary neural network provides less frequently updated Q-value targets, addressing the issue of rapidly changing targets and enhancing training stability by decoupling the estimation of target Q-values from the primary network’s parameters.
from collections import deque
import random
MAX_MEMORY = 100_000
class QLearningAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize replay buffer
self.memory = deque(maxlen=MAX_MEMORY)
def remember(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
# Store experiences in memory
self.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done))
def train_long_memory(self):
# Perform training using experiences from the replay buffer
if len(self.memory) < BATCH_SIZE:
mini_batch = random.sample(self.memory, BATCH_SIZE)
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = zip(*mini_batch)
self.trainer.train_step(states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones)
The applied methodology enhances stability by mitigating overfitting to recent experiences and improves learning efficiency by allowing the agent to reuse and learn from its past interactions, contributing to more stable and effective training in RL algorithms. In the
, particularly in the train_and_record
function, the integration of the replay buffer involves augmenting the agent’s interactions with the environment to store experiences and utilizing those experiences for training. As the agent interacts with the environment in each game step, the remember
function within the QLearningAgent
class captures the state-action-reward-next_state tuples and stores them in the replay buffer. They are essential for off-policy learning, and the train_short_memory
and train_long_memory
functions facilitate short-term and long-term learning, respectively. After each completed game, the agent leverages the stored experiences by calling train_long_memory
, which samples a batch of experiences from the replay buffer and uses these experiences to update the agent’s model via the train_step
method in the QTrainer
class. This integration facilitates learning from a diverse set of past interactions, contributing to more stable and efficient training by breaking temporal correlations between consecutive experiences. Adjusting memory replay features in the likes of MAX_MEMORY
in addition to initialization variables allows not only for fine-tuning of the replay buffer’s capacity and the size of experiences utilized for training, but also for studying the whole agent’s learning process which can be studied using commonly known evolutionary algorithms such as: Genetic Algorithms (GAs).
2 Genetic Optimization of a RL Deep-Q-Network #
In the context of optimizing key parameters for RL — such as batch size, learning rate, memory capacity for replay buffers, and the architecture of a target network — GAs provide a systematic approach.
2.1. Parameter Space Definition #
The parameter space definition refers to the specification and range of parameters that influence the architecture, behavior, and learning process of a our DQN. This includes continuous parameters like learning rate and discount factor, discrete parameters such as activation functions and optimizer types, and integer parameters like the number of hidden layers and neurons per layer.
Continuous Parameters
: Influences the speed at which the DQN learns. Higher values enable faster learning, while lower values promote stability.discount_factor
: Determines the importance of future rewards in the learning process. Values closer to 1 emphasize long-term rewards.dropout_rate
: Affects the number of neurons dropped out during training to prevent overfitting.exploration_rate
: Controls the level of exploration versus exploitation in the learning process.Discrete Parameters
: Dictates the number of experiences sampled from the replay buffer for training.activation_function
: Determines the type of activation function used in neural network layers (e.g., ReLU, sigmoid, tanh).optimizer
: Specifies the optimization algorithm for updating the DQN’s parameters during training (e.g., Adam, SGD, RMSprop).Integer Parameters
: Specifies the number of hidden layers in the neural network.neurons_per_layer
: Defines the number of neurons in each hidden layer.
For each parameter, a defined range or set of possible values is established. These ranges are carefully chosen based on prior knowledge, domain expertise, or empirical observations of their impact on the DQN’s behaviour and performance. By exploring this parameter space, the GA aims to discover configurations that maximize game-related metrics, such as higher scores or fewer steps.
param_ranges = {
# Continuous parameters
# Alpha / Higher values allow faster learning, while lower values ensure more stability
'learning_rate': (0.001, 0.1),
#Gamma / Closer to 1 indicate future rewards are highly important, emphasizing long-term rewards
'discount_factor': (0.9, 0.999),
# Higher drops out a more neurons -> prevent overfit in complex models/datasets with limited samples
'dropout_rate': (0.1, 0.5),
# Epsilon /More exploration -> Possibly better actions /Lower -> More stability using learned policy
'exploration_rate': (0.1, 0.5),
# Discrete parameters
# Number of experiences sampled from the replay buffer for training
'batch_size': [10, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000],
'activation_function': ['relu', 'sigmoid', 'tanh'],
'optimizer': ['adam', 'sgd', 'rmsprop'],
# Integer parameters (num_inputs, num_neurons, num_outputs of NN)
'num_hidden_layers': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'neurons_per_layer': [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
2.2. Genetic Algorithm #
The algorithm starts with the initialization of a class GeneticAlgorithm
and an initial population, both comprising diverse parameter sets. This involves creating a collection of potential solutions, representing different combinations of parameters within the specified ranges. The population’s diversity plays a pivotal role in enabling the exploration of a broad spectrum of parameter configurations.
def generate_population(self, population_size, param_ranges, chromosome_length):
#Random init or heuristic init (using prior info)
population = []
for _ in range(population_size):
params = {}
for param, value_range in param_ranges.items():
if isinstance(value_range, tuple): # Init cont. parameters
params[param] = random.uniform(value_range[0], value_range[1])
elif isinstance(value_range, list): # Discrete parameters
params[param] = random.choice(value_range)
elif isinstance(value_range, int): # Integer parameters
params[param] = random.randint(0, value_range)
elif isinstance(value_range, str): # String parameters
params[param] = value_range # Set the string value directly
return population
Afterwards, the fitness function
evaluates the performance of the DQN by considering various game-related metrics such as score
, record
, steps
, collisions
, and same_positions_counter
. These metrics are utilized to compute a fitness score that quantifies the effectiveness of a parameter set within the DQN. Normalization of metrics like score
and steps
occurs next, ensuring that these metrics are on a comparable scale for fair evaluation. Normalization enables a coherent assessment where disparate metrics contribute equitably to the overall fitness score. Moreover, the function integrates conditional adjustments like penalties for certain conditions. For instance, it penalizes repeated visits to the same positions (penalty_same_positions
) or inefficient utilization of steps (penalty_efficiency_decay
), reflecting a meticulous consideration of nuanced gameplay elements.
def fitness_function(self, score, record, steps, collisions, same_positions_counter):
# Metrics and weights
weight_score = 0.75
weight_steps, MAX_POSSIBLE_STEPS = 0.25, 300
# Normalize metrics
normalized_score = score / record if record != 0 else 0
normalized_steps = 1 - (steps / MAX_POSSIBLE_STEPS) if MAX_POSSIBLE_STEPS != 0 else 0
# Penalty for revisiting same positions > 150 (5%)
penalty_same_positions = 0.05 if same_positions_counter > 150 else 0
# Efficiency decay (5%)
efficiency_decay = max(0, (steps - score) / MAX_POSSIBLE_STEPS)
penalty_efficiency_decay = 0.05 * efficiency_decay
Ultimately, the fitness score is computed by merging the normalized metrics, weighted according to their significance, and factoring in penalties or bonuses where applicable. The goal is to synthesize a comprehensive fitness score that encapsulates the effectiveness of a particular parameter set in improving the DQN’s performance within the game environment
# Calculate fitness
fitness = (
(normalized_score * weight_score) +
(normalized_steps * weight_steps) -
penalty_same_positions - penalty_efficiency_decay
return max(0, fitness) # Ensure non-negative fitness
The fitness scores for the entirity of the population of parameter sets can be computed using calculate_population_fitness
. It ensures the inclusion of at least 5 recent game metrics for evaluation or uses all available metrics if fewer than 5 are present. By iterating through these metrics, it extracts essential indicators like score
, record
, steps
, collisions
, and same_positions_counter
for each individual set. Afterwards, there is selection: it determines which individuals, represented as parameter sets, proceed to the next generation based on their fitness scores. Initially, it normalizes the fitness scores received from the fitness_function
, ensuring these scores reflect the effectiveness of parameter sets in enhancing the DQN’s performance. Subsequently, it computes probabilities for each individual proportional to their fitness scores, favouring individuals with higher fitness. Employing a roulette wheel selection strategy, the method then selects individuals from the population according to these probabilities, allowing higher-scoring individuals a greater chance of being chosen. This selection process forms the basis for creating a new population consisting of the chosen individuals, facilitating the iterative evolution and refinement of parameter sets across successive generations within the GA framework.
def selection(self, population, fitness_scores):
# Normalize fitness scores to probabilities
total_fitness = sum(fitness_scores)
if total_fitness == 0:
probabilities = [1 / len(fitness_scores)] * len(fitness_scores)
probabilities = [fitness / total_fitness for fitness in fitness_scores]
# Ensure probabilities array size matches population size
while len(probabilities) < len(population):
# Select based on fitness (roulette wheel selection) //
# replace = True means one chromosome can be picked more than 1 time
selected_indices = np.random.choice(
p=probabilities / np.sum(probabilities)
# Normalize probabilities to sum up to 1
# Create a new population based on the selected indices
new_population = [population[idx] for idx in selected_indices]
# List Comprehension - New population Array
return new_population
Following the selection
of individuals, the crossover
function exemplifies genetic recombination between two parent individuals to produce offspring individuals as potential solutions within the GA. Initially, it ensures that both parents have the same length of genetic information, converting them into lists if they are initially dictionaries. Then, based on a randomnly determined crossover probability (crossover_rate
), it either conducts the crossover process or maintains the parents as they are. When the crossover occurs (determined by a random probability check), it identifies a crossover point within the genetic information and generates two offspring by swapping the genetic information of the parents before and after this point. These newly created offspring individuals represent combinations of genetic material from both parents, potentially leading to diverse and potentially advantageous solutions within the population. If the crossover does not happen, it returns the original parent individuals as the output.
"""Single-point crossover for two parent individuals.
Can explore two-point crossover, uniform crossover, elitist crossover, etc."""
def crossover(self, parent1, parent2, crossover_rate):
if isinstance(parent1, dict) and isinstance(parent2, dict):
# Convert dictionary values to lists
parent1 = list(parent1.values())
parent2 = list(parent2.values())
assert len(parent1) == len(parent2) # Only if same len
if random.random() < crossover_rate:
# Crossover point
crossover_point = random.randint(1, len(parent1) - 1)
# Create offspring by combining parent genes
offspring1 = parent1[:crossover_point] + parent2[crossover_point:]
offspring2 = parent2[:crossover_point] + parent1[crossover_point:]
return offspring1, offspring2
else: # If crossover doesn't happen, return the parents
return parent1, parent2
The mutation
function operates on individuals — comprising genetic material representing potential solutions — and introduces small alterations to their genetic makeup based on a predefined mutation rate
. This genetic variation mechanism enables exploration of novel solution spaces. The function iterates through the genetic information of an individual and, for each gene, checks if a randomly generated probability falls below the specified mutation rate
. If so, it attempts to modify the gene: for numeric values, it converts the gene to an integer and performs a transformation (in this case, subtracting the value from 1), showcasing the alteration; for non-numeric values, it retains the original gene. The function aggregates these modified genes, generating a mutated individual with potential genetic diversity that might lead to the exploration of new and potentially beneficial solution areas within the GA’s solution space.
"""According to Genetic Algorithm, after crossover (breeding), we apply mutation
to the resulting offspring to introduce small changes to their genetic material
depending on the mutation rate, this helps explores new areas of solution space"""
def mutation(self, individual, mutation_rate):
mutated_individual = []
for gene in individual:
if random.random() < mutation_rate:
try: # Assuming 'gene' is str to convert to a numerical
gene = int(gene) # Convert 'gene' to an integer
mutated_gene = 1 - gene
except ValueError:
print("'gene' might not be a numeric value.")
mutated_gene = gene
return mutated_individual
Lastly, it extends the existing offspring list with newly generated offspring, resulting from genetic recombination and mutation processes. Subsequently, it implements an elitism strategy, identifying the top-performing individuals within the population based on their fitness scores and replacing the least fit part of the population with these elite individuals. This preserves highly fit solutions from the current population for the next generation, ensuring the retention of successful traits. Additionally, it evaluates the fitness of each parameter set in the current population, identifying the best-performing parameters by comparing their fitness against a stored best fitness value, thereby capturing the best parameters encountered during the Genetic Algorithm’s execution.
# Replace the least fit part of the population with offspring
elite_count = int(self.population_size * 0.1) # Keep top 10% as elite
elite_indices = sorted(range(len(fitness_scores)), key=lambda i: fitness_scores[i], reverse=True)[:elite_count]
for idx in elite_indices:
offspring[idx] = self.population[idx] # Preserve elite chromosomes
3 Results #

(to insert more images)
4 Outcomes #
The GA can efficiently search through a defined parameter space to identify better sets of hyperparameters for the RL model. This can lead to enhanced performance, quicker convergence, and increased stability within the learning process. By fine-tuning the hyperparameters, the RL model might exhibit improved performance metrics such as higher rewards, more efficient learning, reduced training time, and potentially better generalization to unseen data, unlike using only the RL model, where it took approximately 150 games to converge to good scores.
An interesting take on GA is the ability to explore diverse solution spaces, by doing so it might uncover parameter configurations that promote better exploration-exploitation trade-offs, addressing challenges like the exploration-exploitation dilemma common in RL.
- Risto Miikkulainen and Lex Fridman discussing the importance of neuroevolution in deep networks: for instance, how applying evolutionary computation is helpful in assessing architecture topology or the layer depth